Pre-K Program
TJSH pre-Kindergarten program supports mastery of academic, social, emotional, and physical objectives to help pre-K students with school readiness, feeling successful at school, and becoming autonomous learners.
Age Range
TJSH pre-K program enrolls students who will be 4 before October 1 for the school year they are enrolling.
TJSH pre-K program runs Monday - Friday, with students arriving between 8:45 and 9 am, and ends at 2:30, with pick up between 2:30 and 2:45.
Typical Schedule
8:45 - 9:00
Arrival - Pre-K students put away their belongings in designated areas, say goodbye to their parents, and get themselves ready for the day.
Primary Readiness Objective: the student practices putting their things away with care and in the appropriate place
9:00 - 9:30
Individual Exploration - Pre-K students can choose an activity to take to their floor or table space.
Primary Readiness Objective: students cultivate their curiosity about the academic environment, students practice following guidelines that benefit the entire group
9:30 - 10:00
Snack - Students practice preparing a small meal for and with other classmates and taking care of their bodies by washing hands. When students are finished eating their snack, students will practice responsibilities such as cleaning the table and putting snack items away.
Social Objective: students learn that their contributions to group interactions affect others and are inherently important to the functioning of the group
10:00 - 10:45
Circle Time - Students are asked to join the teacher at the carpet for an engaging group activity, which explicitly addresses one of the academic objectives. Students will also practice social and emotional objectives implicitly during circle time.
Emotional Objective: each student will develop and use their “inside helper” at circle time to discern between helpful and unhelpful choices for themselves and receive gratification from their own self-regulation as a member of the group
10:45 - 11:15
Independent Activity - Students are invited to the table to complete independent, engaging activities following the Circle Time activity. These activities support the thematic, weekly academic content presented at Circle Time.
Emotional Objective: independent activity fosters a sense of self-efficacy and esteem for students as they show themselves and their teacher that they can complete many different tasks; students tolerate missteps in their learning process and begin to recognize that mistakes are an integral part of the learning process
11:15 - 12:00
Lunch - Pre-K students will follow a protocol similar to snack time, paying particular attention to washing their hands, passing out napkins and cups in preparation for lunch, cleaning the table, and putting away all of their lunch items when they are done.
Physical Objective: students continue to practice fine motor skills and coordination as they pour liquid into cups, place napkins, and use utensils to feed themselves
12:00 - 12:30
Story/Music Time - The teacher will lead students in a singing or reading activity that supports and builds weekly, thematic academic content.
Social Objective: students work on body boundaries within the group and maintain autonomy within the group dynamic; students tolerate others’ missteps/mistakes and their own, building upon their early foundations for empathy and positive self-talk
12:30 - 1:00
Gross Motor Play - The teacher will lead students in a structured activity focusing on practicing social and emotional objectives by waiting their turn and following directions.
Physical Objective: each student works to develop more bodily coordination while running, skipping, jumping, hopping on one leg, etc.; students recognize the connection between their bodies and their “good” feelings about themselves and their abilities
1:00 - 1:30
Fine Arts - Art activities are designed for practicing fine motor objectives and encouraging exploration and creativity of arts and environment. Students practice cleaning their own space once the activity is completed.
Cognitive Objective: pre-K students gain a basic understanding of color, composition, and design, as well as the fundamentals of theater and dance. Students will also experience how art is a creative endeavor that is connected to the content they are learning and the world around them
1:30 - 2:15
Learning Centers - Activities focus on specific academic, social, and emotional objectives. Students are invited out of learning centers occasionally to complete a classroom duty or for one-to-one academic support with the teacher.
Primary Readiness Objective: pre-K students practice placing a task on hold to complete a classroom responsibility or other academic tasks; students manage their center materials independently and work within the time constraints of Learning Centers; students raise their hand to alert their teacher a need.
2:15 - 2:30
Prepare for Goodbye - Students will pack up their own things and prepare for a successful goodbye at the end of their day.
Emotional Objective: students practice keeping caregivers in mind as they wait to be picked up, remembering that their caregiver has not forgotten about them; students practice keeping in mind they will see their teacher and classmates again the following school day; students communicate feelings about saying goodbye using words